"Holmes Finance" Financial Planners do so much more than manage money or create a retirement plan. In fact they typically address your entire financial situation long before managing your money or retirement plan. Good advisers know how to take a step back and look at a client's overall financial situation and let them know whether they are on track to meet their goals. They can then look at several areas of the financial plan and make recommendations on changes to increase the likelihood of reaching those goals.

Just some of the areas our planners address and add value

  • Mortgage and Investment Financing and Refinancing
  • Superannuation and understanding the new laws and how they affect you.
  • Review ways to secure your lifestyle and financial goals
  • Diversify your investments across shares, managed funds, property and risk protection
  • Provide expert advice on redundancy or early retirement.
  • Risk, Life and Trauma Insurance, making sure you have what you need.
  • Financial Planning and Investment advice to optimise your financial situation.
  • Wealth Creation and Property Investment
  • Looking at your complete financial structure
  • Saving strategies
  • Consolidating debt and paying it off sooner
  • Children’s education expenses
  • Superannuation and salary sacrifice
  • Optimising income strategies
  • Insurance and protecting what you’ve got
  • Investment (Managed) Funds

The simple process to you and your money

"Holmes Finance" financial planners will follow a simple process when examining your financial health and prescribing a course of action which include: gathering relevant financial information; setting life goals; examining your current financial status; coming up with a strategy for how you can meet your goals; implementing the strategy and monitoring the success of the strategy and adjusting it along the way.

"Holmes Finance" develop a comprehensive view

"Holmes Finance" will address you and your entire financial picture, inclusive of basic financial information such as income, expenses, asset and liabilities, as well as insurance, retirement plans, education, and estate planning when analysing your situation. Typically, they will produce a customised written plan that details your financial situation and the planner's recommendations.

"Holmes Finance" prepare a recommendation

We will prepare a statement of advice which details the strategies you need to implement to achieve your goals. We will make recommendations in writing, detailing every step of the proposal and explain in detail the basis of the strategies we recommend as well as comprehensively outlining all fees and charges involved. Together we will address any concerns to ensure that you are completely satisfied with our recommendations and it is at this point that we mutually agree to proceed to the next step.

"Holmes Finance" implement your strategy

We will implement the agreed strategy once you are comfortable with the recommendations. We will only proceed if we believe we can add genuine value.

"Holmes Finance" review and update your plan

We will offer to regularly review your financial plan to ensure it remains on track and properly reflects your changing needs. At Holmes Finance", we understand that everyone has different needs. Our approach is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution as we take the time to ensure you receive a personalised solution that is particular to your needs and situation.

General Advice Warning

The information provided on this website and the pages contained within it have been prepared on a general advice basis only. The information has not been prepared to take into account your specific objectives, needs and financial situation. The information may not be appropriate to your individual needs and you should seek advice from your financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

Empty nesters

  • Set up their own superannuation fund so they could manage their own retirement money
  • Invest their superannuation to suit their goals and attitude to investing
  • Set up a spending plan to cover essentials, savings and "fun money".

With "Holmes Finance"

  • We get your money fast!
  • We deal with not just the Big 4!
  • We give you free and fast assessments!

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Help at any stage of you life

Young single or couple

  • Develop a spending plan so you can could afford to pay off your debts and start saving
  • Clarify their lifestyle goals – yes, they do want to buy a house
  • Arrange insurance so they would continue to get paid even if they were sick or injured and couldn’t work
  • Invest their superannuation for the long-term
  • Put wills in place leaving their assets to each other

Young family

  • Restructure home loans to improve their cash flow
  • Boost your life insurance so the family would be covered if anything happened to the "Bread Winner"

Established family

  • Reorganise the way their superannuation was invested to improve their long-term returns
  • Start a gearing program using the equity in their home to drive their mortgage down faster
  • Update their wills and put enduring powers of attorney in place to provide security in case one of them couldn't make financial decisions


  • Drive down their mortgage faster
  • Reduce their tax with smart superannuation contribution strategies
  • Ensured that if either of them died, their assets would go to the chosen members of their families